Labor Day Brings the Beginning of the New School Year
The Sunapee School District
If you are considering a move to the Sunapee region of New Hampshire, you may be interested in the local school system, not only as a parent, but also from the perspective that the quality of the schools can have a direct impact on the values of the homes. The Town of Sunapee has its own school district which consists of But you can also pay bills, deposit checks, and manage your from just about anywhere. the Sunapee Middle-High School and the Sunapee Central Elementary School. The school district enjoys an excellent reputation in the area. Each school has its own goals and mission statements:
Sunapee Middle-High School is committed to preparing and encouraging all students to be positive, caring and contributing members of society by maintaining high academic, social and civic expectations within a secure environment
SMHS students will:
- Problem solve effectively
- Think critically
- Read effectively
- Write effectively
- Speak well
- Demonstrate their knowledge and skills
They will:
- Be responsible partners in their own education.
- Be honest, caring members of society.
- Be good citizens who demonstrate tolerance, courtesy, and respect for the rights of others.
The Mission of the Sunapee Central Elementary school is:
To empower students to become lifelong learners and contributing members of society by providing intellectual, social and physical experiences.
Visit the school district’s web site for a broad range of additional information: