New State Laws for Real Estate

Below is an overview of a few newly passed state laws.

•    In effect now, a buyer is required to have a septic inspection prior to the transfer of a waterfront house if the septic system is located within 200 ft. of the reference line. If the existing system was never approved by the state or approval was prior to 1989, the buyer must hire a septic designer to determine the elevation of the bottom of the effluent disposal area. If the system is in failure or shows signs of failure, the buyer must repair or replace the system within 180 days of the closing date.

•    As of 1/1/25, prior to a sale, sellers must notify buyers about PFAS, chemicals that have been detected in wells throughout NH but more frequently in southern NH. This notification shall be included in the standard NH sales agreement.

•    As of 1/1/25, prior to a sale, sellers must notify the potential of flood risk to buyers. Buyers are encouraged to determine if flood insurance is required. This also shall be included in the standard NH sales agreement.

•    In effect now, no longer may “any person aggrieved” appeal decisions of the Zoning Board. Only the applicant and abutters can appeal.

Contact me if you’d like to know how any of these new laws may impact your buying or selling needs.


Donna Forest

M: 603-731-5151
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