Do This One Thing and Save Money

003EditedIf you want to save money and sell your house faster with less stress, then I highly recommend a pre-listing home inspection. Sellers usually wait for buyers to have inspections on their house and then cross their fingers, hoping for no surprises. More often than not, issues do come to light and sellers are left dealing with several factors in an already highly emotional situation. Buyers may feel a certain level of distrust, wondering why the sellers were not aware of the condition of their home. Time is spent getting 2nd and 3rd opinions on the cost to fix things and most likely, sellers will end up negotiating a lower selling price in order to resolve the problems. Or worst case, buyers cancel the contract and move on to another property. A pre-listing home inspection will make sellers better informed, give control on fixing problems and allows time to provide accurate repair costs upfront to buyers, if needed.  Spending a few hundred dollars in the beginning could save thousands in the end. Contact me if you would like an experienced agent help you navigate the complexities of selling.  603-526-4116;;

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