6 Tips on Home Buying

  1. Don’t try to second-guess interest rates or the market by waiting for the “right time”.  If you find a home you like, buy it.
  2. Accept the fact that no house is perfect.  Concentrate on the items important to you and let the minor flaws go.
  3. Get approved for a mortgage first before even looking.  This will set your price range and also enhance your offer.
  4. Don’t look at every house on the market just because they are there.  Be picky and look at the most appealing.  Then add to the list if nothing fits.
  5. Don’t worry if you feel buyer’s remorse after making an offer.  It is common and will pass.  Buying a home is a big decision but the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
  6. Work with an experienced local agent.  Buying can be emotional so pick someone you’re comfortable with and respect.

 Contact me if you are looking for an accredited buyer’s agent with over 24 yrs. of experience to make your buying experience a success!  603-526-4116, www.DonnaForest.com, Donna@DonnaForest.com

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